“Under The Influence Of THE FOOL”
out on July 18th 2020
“Under The Influence Of THE FOOL” is the opening track of our upcoming album Eclectic Poison Tones. The beginning riff recalls the Black Sabbath sound, then the spatial resonance expansions culminate into a distorted and thundering ending. It all started from the skeleton of this song, which was composed before the idea of the whole album was born and that’s why it represents a kind of bridge between now and our recent release, a split record with Mongoose in 2018. Beside the stoner-doom sound that we have always played, we explore new noise digressions and more elaborated musical incursions.
“Escape fast in the maze don’t rest”

“Eclectic Poison Tones”
[October 30, 2020]
Stoner / Doom
Base: Bussolengo (VR) – Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Eclectic Poison Tones is the brand new mixture of sounds and images created by the “fuzzlovers” trio. The album is like a flow of acidic mantras, rich with dark atmospheres and full of distortions.
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