“The Pattern”
out on January 29th 2021
“The Pattern” (mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound Studios) and entrusted the realization of the album cover to Travis Smith. The band’s return to the scene also sees a change of logo by the great Daniele Valeriani, an artist who has been able to perfectly represent the new image of the Roman trio.
Massimiliano Pagliuso: Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
Gianpaolo Caprino: Guitars
Alessandro “Sancho” Marconcini: Drums

“The Pattern”
[January 29th 2021]
Progressive Death Metal
Base: Roma, Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Time To Kill Records
Mixed and Mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound Studios
Album Cover Travis Smith Logo by Daniele Valeriani
Album Cover Travis Smith Logo by Daniele Valeriani
… “You Don’t Know”
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