“The Breaks – 5 Way Split”
out on February 17th 2021
ria (TR), Piet Onthel (MY), Scenes We Have Missed (TR), Bastos (RO) and Children of Boredom (DE) unite their forces in this brand new “5 – way split”! Contributing with their most recent materials, all of the songs cruise around the dynamic spectrum of the emotive hardcore sound.
Ria → rriaaband.bandcamp.com
Scenes We Have Missed → sceneswehavemissed.bandcamp.com
Bastos → bastosmove.bandcamp.com
Children of Boredom → children-of-boredom.bandcamp.com
Scenes We Have Missed → sceneswehavemissed.bandcamp.com
Bastos → bastosmove.bandcamp.com
Children of Boredom → children-of-boredom.bandcamp.com

“The Breaks – 5 Way Split”
[November 16, 2020 / February 17, 2021]
punk, emo, hardcore, posthardcore, screamo
Out for:
Longrail Records ►► longrailrecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Missed Out Records ►► missedoutrecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Mevzu Records ►► mevzurecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Beach Buddies Records ►► beachbuddiesrecords/
Dischi Decenti ►► dischidecenti/the-breaks-5-way-split
Les Disques Rabat-joie ►► lesdisquesrabat-joie/the-breaks-5-way-split
Khya Records ►► khyarecords./the-breaks-5-way-split
Huge Major Label ►► HugeMajorLabel
Longrail Records ►► longrailrecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Missed Out Records ►► missedoutrecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Mevzu Records ►► mevzurecords/the-breaks-5-way-split
Beach Buddies Records ►► beachbuddiesrecords/
Dischi Decenti ►► dischidecenti/the-breaks-5-way-split
Les Disques Rabat-joie ►► lesdisquesrabat-joie/the-breaks-5-way-split
Khya Records ►► khyarecords./the-breaks-5-way-split
Huge Major Label ►► HugeMajorLabel
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