Filth In My Garage
release thier
“self title” album
out on March 12th 2020
Produced with
Tanato Records, Brigante Records and Productions, Longrail Records and Progetto Cervo Booking Agency.
Recorded at Trai Studio, Inzago (MI) by Fabio Intraina
mixed by Dave Curran
Mastered by Maurizio Giannotti at New Mastering Studio (Milan) in December 2019.
Stefano – Voce
Matteo – Chitarra
Giacomo – Chitarra
Simone – Basso
Mauro – Batteria

Filth In My Garage
[March 12, 2020]
noise rock, southern rock, hardcore, post-hardcore
Base: Bergamo, Italy
… “Morfeo”
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