SAINT DIABLO (latin metal) ‘Odio’ new music
SAINT DIABLO are a savage Latin Metal band who hail from Virginia. Produced by Dave Chavarri (Ill Nino), Odio is a stunning metal track that proves “heavy” has more to do with empathy than anger. The nation and the world have split themselves into more than opposing political ideologies, and the song is about the hate we must come together to destroy. In terms of the instrumental appeal, the rich guitar work and machine gun syncopation of the drums provide the sonic thunder and gleaming razor’s edge Saint Diablo is known for. The hook features the band’s rare and precious gem in the form of Tito’s transition from growl to a melodic vocal, breaking our hearts and lifting us to the level of “self” we didn’t think we were capable of.

[July 29, 2022]
latin metal, nu metal, alternative metal
Base: Virginia, US
Label / Booking / Press:
Eclipse Records
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