Ivan The Tolerable And His Elastic Band
“Night Hospital”
out on September 20th 2021
After the release of last years album Out Of Season (feat Mike Watt) we are delighted to release the follow up The Long Year on November 29th.
With sounds reminiscent of CAN and NEU with spoken word provided by Karen Schoemer (who provided the lyrics to Out Of Season as well). Elements of Krautrock, free form jazz and even afro beat bring this immersive album all together. The Long Year is an album, a journey, which is best listened to as a whole.
“…when the eye can’t see, the mind steps in…”
Night Hospital is the 2nd track from the album which opens up your trip into The Long Year nicely. Oli (Ivan The Tolerable) made a visually immersive video to go along with it which feels like something from a 60s acid trip video.
“Night Hospital is a pantoum—that’s a poetic form in which the lines repeat in a serpentine fashion. I think the repetition in the finished song is both beautiful and oppressive. “ – Karen Scheomer

“The Long Year”
Ivan The Tolerable And His Elastic Band
[November 26, 2021]
experimental, ambient, drone, jazz, lofi, psychedelic
Base: Middlesbrough, UK
Label / Booking / Press:
Stolen Body Records
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