out on February 25th 2021
oplen is an electronic music project by Swedish Henrik Sunbring, also a member of the post-kraut duo Domus. The work of oplen took off in 2001
when Henrik bought his frst sampler and became obsessed with manipulating sounds and building rhythmic structures combined with layers of melancholic sounds and themes. After two years of
audio engineering studies in the north of Sweden just by the arctic circle, he started to engineer for various bands. At this point, he also joined the
electro post-punk band Agent Side Grinder for 10 years. During this period, the band recorded 5 albums and played over 100 gigs all over Europe.
Combining work as a mixing engineer and touring with ASG infuenced Henriks way of understanding music. Listening to, and thinking
of, the electronic worlds of sounds became as natural as using his own language.
Between 2005 and 2012 oplen released half-adozen of EP:s and albums for streaming/netlabels. oplen also appeared on some compilation releases
by labels like Enfant Terrible, Equaliteq, Acrylik, depth and construction and Zerinnerung.
After some years of silence, 2020 was the year when oplen started to make new sounds again. O-P-L-E-N is a mixtape of oplen’s songs O, P, L, E, N.
The album also features a long ambient track called 0d13n as B-side. Each song have a specifc musical and/or technical idea as a starting point,
but were recorded and composed during improvision. The sound emerges from a combination of analog synthesized rhythms, feld recordings, processed guitars and moog melodies.
This forms a unique mix of dark ambient, IDM, postrock and experimental 70’s psychedelic music.

[March 26, 2021]
ambient, electronica, experimental, post-rock
Base: Stockholm, Sweden
Label / Booking / Press:
Luftrum / EpicerieLibre
►► https://oplen.bandcamp.com/releases
Digital and Cassette
All songs performed, mixed and mastered at
Helter Skelter Studio, Stockholm 2020 by Henrik
Sunbring. Field recording (fre sound) on ”L” was
recorded in a cabin in the woods of Dalarna.
Artwork by David Åhlén, cassette layout and video
for the tracks “O” and ”N” by Gustaf Järver.
Released by ohm2recordings.
Cassette co-released with ”Luftrum” (airspace in
Swedish), a new Stockholm-based label/collective for
electronic, experimental, electroacoustic and
exploratory music. Artists; oplen, Ohcalit, Odå.
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