Mystic Majesty
release “Speak Your Mind”
out on March 11th 2023
Born in 2018 from the ashes of different projects, inspired by the stoner scene with psychedelic influences and without forgetting their roots, Mystic Majesty started working together on an ambitious and meaningful purpose: a concept album. The result is an explosive and powerful mix of sound and lyrics self-defined Hard Robot Rock.

"Speak Your Mind"

Mystic Majesty
[March 11, 2023]
psychedelic rock, stoner rock
Verona, Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Recorded at MellowSongStudio and CCStudiovr
Mixed by Paolo Camponogara
Mastered by Riccardo Benedetti Vallenari
Graphics Gianluca Perusi
Logo Sedna and Gianluca Perusi
Original artwork Vittoria Zermini
Vinyl master Emerald Age Recording
Vinyl jacket graphics Ygor Silva
… “Broken Finger Blues”
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