Ananda Mida
out on June 25th 2021
Ananda Mida is back with Karnak. Three live tracks that bear witness to the unfettered and spiced up attitude of improvisations, that has constantly distinguished Ananda Mida’s live activity. The band has always wanted to embody the strong idea of a collective, giving space to free collaborations or changes in formation in live performances.
The graphics by eeviac are a further step towards the choral composition that will see the light with the next album Reconciler, which will complete the trilogy.

Ananda Mida
[June 25, 2021]
psychedelic rock, stoner
Base: Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Go Down Records / Vincebus Eruptum Recordings
“Anulios” and “Jam with Mario” live recorded by Daniel Grego and Sebastian Soso at Teatro delle Voci Studios, Treviso, on 12th August 2018; “The Pilot” live recorded by Daniel Grego and Sebastian Soso at Mirano Summer Festival, on 23rd July 2019; mixed and mastered by Daniel Grego at Mal de Testa Recording Studio in 2021.
Artwork by eeviac artworks.
Screen-printing by La Scatola Nera.
… “Anulios (instrumental) “
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