Melt Downer
out on January 22nd 2021
What remains at the end of “III” is an album that was deeply rooted in England in the 1980s and at the same time from now on. Melt
Downer grows out of the grunge and skips the math. He indulges in a kind of rock music that perfectly preserves the latently aggressive background noise of this extraordinary year in eight oppressive songs. 2020: Knockout.

Melt Downer
[January 22, 2021]
Noise Rock
Base: Austria
Label / Booking / Press:
Numavi Records / Phantom Records
Numavi Records ►►
Phantom Records ►►
Master by @danielhusayn
Vinyl by @rockishell Digital via @numavi_records
Vinyl by @rockishell Digital via @numavi_records
… “Gross White”
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