release “Subisci. Conformati. Rassegnati.”
out on September 6th 2024

“The North of Italy has long been the hotbed for hardcore punk in and amongst the high literacy, revolutionary aesthetics, and beloved antiquity of Italian culture. Its legendary squat scene and musical compass of total nihilism hangs highly in the legacy of Italian hardcore punk – and now again from the squats and streets of Milan the same urges to organise and decimate are strongly brewing again. GOLPE, whose Italianate take on Discharge and Totalitar via polenta, hot peppers, and fried bread crumbs, blew on to the scene in 2019. Static Shock and Sorry State join hands to give their first recordings – a classic grip of weapons grade scandi-charged Italian noise farming – a permanent home on wax, bringing with it an immaculately prepared medley of Italian HC classics. The medley reads like their influences – starting with the unmistakable swell of Indigesti’s pre-pubescently perfect “Mass Media” all the way to the concrete musical genius of Nabat’s “Scenderemo Nelle Strade” this crushes from primi piatti, to secondi, to dolci, and your espresso after dinner.”

1.Istruzioni Di Vita
2.Morte In Vendita
4.Non Piegarti
6.Come Un Cappio / Mass Media / Cibernauti / Scenderemo Nelle Strade

"Subisci. Conformati. Rassegnati."  

[September 6th 2024]
hardcore, punk, raw punk, oi
Base:  Milano, Italy

Label / Booking / Press:
Sorry State Records / Static Shock Records / Pissed Off records

Written, performed and recorded by T.P., except of the medley which quotes Wretched, Indigesti, Eu’s Arse and Nabat. First 5 tracks Recorded by Roberto Cirillo in February 2019 @ Saletta Occupata CSOA T28 (Milano) and edited by Eugenio Mazzetto. Medley recorded @ Mob Sound (Milano) and edited by Alessandro Caneva in August 2023. Mixed and mastered by Jonas Blakklödge. Pics by Piotr XmoroccoX.
Artwork by Francesco Goats, T.P., Daniel Lupton and Fleshfromtheacid. Previously released on tape on Complotto Autoproduzioni in 2020. 

pic by @ivoosvald from TOUTATIS Fest 2024

… “Morte In Vendita”




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