“Fallen,” the new album by Walls Of Babylon
out on September 27th 2022
“Fallen” is a concept album about society collapsing due to a hidden gland within the human brain, “The Switch of God”. It generates a hormone shutting down rationality, releasing humans’ most brutal and feral impulses.
This overwhelming plague is called “The Fall”: the progressive annihilation of individualism, with humanity slowly turning into a productive chain, along with the exponential increase of carbon dioxide.
Extinction is the last hope, with all mankind quickly turning into a self devouring cancer.
Walls of Babilon is a project born at the end of 2013 and its purpose is to find a place in the metal scene with a sound mixed by etereogenic influences of its members: trash, black, punk rock, scandinavian death following the same guideline of the power and progressive metal
In 2015 was released “ the Dark Embrace”, the first work of the band, which provide dark sounds and catchy chorus to impress the features of the group from the beginning
2018 was the year of the First international album “A Portrait of Memories” coming out thanks to Revalve Records. It’s a work that highlight a darker sound than the previous one but with an higher complexity of songwriting showing the path of growth of the band
The core of this project is contemporary to say the least: in 2020 was born “Fallen” which streches in a wide variety of genres between classic and progressive rock.

Walls Of Babylon
[September 27, 2022]
power metal, progressive metal
Label / Booking / Press:
Wanikiya Record
Valerio Gaoni – Vocals
Fabiano Pietrini – Guitar
Francesco Pellegrini – Lead Guitar
Matteo Carovana – Bass
Marco Barbarossa – Drums
[pic by Romina Pantanetti]
… “Amigdala”
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