out on June 1st 2020
‘Elements’ is the first work created by the band after the line-up changes. Recorded at the Zeta Factory Studio in Carpi and produced by Wavemotion Recordings, the EP is the result of a long process of searching for a new musical and personal identity dictated by the period of difficulty that surrounds us. It is an ep made of 4 tracks, one for each element: earth, water, air and fire. The intent was to create an analogy between the element and a specific human condition which, at the end of the path, must be accepted and not avoided. The orchestral component represents the common thread between the songs.
In “Earth”, the earth is seen as the guardian of the memories of our past. It has been associated with the fear of being forgotten and the desire to achieve immortality through our works. The sounds of the piece are harsh and surrounded by musical elements that
recall hugeness and landscapes, closed by a poignant final chorus.
In “Water”, water is associated with the concept of loss and the feelings and thoughts we must face after that. With the aim of representing all of this, the song resonates more melodic and melancholic, with the orchestral parts protagonist throughout the song.
In “Air”, air is associated with freedom par excellence and represents the illusion of free will. It is the most varied song and it swings between melodic parts and oppressive ambient sections and breakdowns.
In “Fire”, fire is associated with the most brutal and, at the same time, most attractive passions that can overwhelm in a destructive and self-destructive swirl. The song has dark and hard sounds that touch black metal and deathcore, passing through the djent, all surrounded by important symphonic orchestral parts.
Although belonging to the macrogenre of metal and modern metalcore, each song is different in structure and sound, as each element has its own nature and identity.

[June 01, 2020]
Base: Bologna, Italy

The End At The Beginning is a Metalcore band born in Bologna (Italy) in 2011. The band released its first EP in 2012 while In 2014 released its first unsigned LP: “Appearances”. In 2016 the band signed with Famined Records the release of “Revelations”, the second LP. They have also started to gain international attention winning the “Unsigned Artist Of The Month” competition by Artery Recordings in April 2015 and starting to play european shows. After a long break started in 2018 that saw the leaving of the singer and guitarist, the band announces the return in 2019 with a new line-up with Nicolò Bazzani as the singer and Massimo Bontempi as the guitarist. The band has been writing new material, pushing the boundaries of the modern metal sound and incorporating strong melodic elements thanks to a particular attention in the arrangements and vocal production.
… “Water”
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