The Smashing Pumpkins are ready to release their highly-anticipated eleventh studio album, CYR tomorrow Friday November 27th. A 20-track double album, produced by Billy Corgan in Chicago, also joined by fellow founding members Jimmy Chamberlin, James Iha and guitarist Jeff Schroeder.
“CYR represents, at least symbolically, the makings of a dissociative life, which best as we can tell IS modern life: as presented through a variety of sources; past, present, and future.” Explains Corgan. “Where even our own story as a band is often represented as something more grotesque and glorious than we actually experienced it. Which, it should be noted, is fine. Because we’ve never fought the dream as a collective, or it’s prickly twin (hence the snazzy title of one of our earliest records). So in CYR you get 20 pieces of fractured ideology, neither here nor there but that’s sort of the point. To ape that which in the post-technology age is not so easily defined and pinned down, but can be shown in a lithe, restless melody”.
Since August, the GRAMMY® Award-winning, alternative rock luminaries have been releasing a steady stream of tracks, music videos and animated episodes (from their five-part animated series IN ASHES) to wide critical acclaim. Tracks ‘Cyr,’ ‘The Color of Love,’ ‘Confessions of a Dopamine Addict,’ ‘Wrath,’ ‘Anno Satana,’ ‘Birch Grove,’ ‘Wyttch,’ and ‘Ramona,’ alongside accompanying official music videos ‘Cyr,’ ‘Ramona, ’directed by Linda Strawberry), and the most recent Charlotte Kemp–Muhl-directed ‘Wyttch,’ the world of CYR has seen a refreshing and welcomed embrace from The Smashing Pumpkins community of fans and critics alike. With a world tour postponed, the band also decided to create ‘IN ASHES,’ a five-part animated sci-fi series set to the soundtrack of select songs from CYR. Episode 4, ‘Owl Wait’ (set to the soundtrack of Wyttch) was released earlier this week and the final installment, episode 5 ‘Lost In The Dream Factory’ (set to the soundtrack of Purple blood) will come along the release of “CYR”.

Formed in Chicago, IL in 1988, The Smashing Pumpkins released their heralded debut album Gish in 1991 and found mainstream success with 1993’s 4x multi-platinum Siamese Dream and 1995’s 10x multi-platinum Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. The band has released seven additional studio albums; Adore, Machina/The Machines of God, Machina II/The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music, Zeitgeist, Oceania, Monuments to an Elegy and their last full-length, Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol 1 / LP: No Past, No Future, No Sun. With over 30 million physical albums sold, the multiple GRAMMY®, MTV VMA, and American Music Award winning band remains an undeniable force in alternative rock.

[November 27th 2020]
Alternative Rock
Base: USA
Label / Booking / Press:
Sumerian Records / KINDA
… “Wyttch”
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