“Chaos is order yet undeciphered”
out on January 1st 2020
The birth of QUIETUS takes place in 2017 in a city called Charleville-Mézières (France). The foursome decides to explore some more freedom with the process of music creation. The first shots turn to be a cathartic mix of Post-Hardcore, Mathrock structures, Noise intensity and heavy dark atmospheres. During the first 2 years, the band worked on new material to try to built its own sophisticated style. They shared the stage with bands like ROSETTA, AU REVOIR or ANCIIENTS on their 2018 tour.
Their first album “Chaos is order yet undeciphered” will be released in late 2019.
The 8 songs have the crazyness of BOTCH, the contrast of RUSSIAN CIRCLES, the heaviness of THE OCEAN and the gloomy mood of DAUGHTERS.
Charles DIDIER LAURENT (Guitar)
Guillaume DECAUX (Bass & Vocals) Jérôme TOMBOIS (Drum & Vocals)
Guillaume COLAS (Guitar)

“Chaos is order yet undeciphered”
[January 01 , 2020]
Math-rock / post-hardcore / post-metal / post-rock
Charleville Mézières, France
Track List
Track 01 Modern Rome 05:22 Track 02 Always A Matter Of Sexual Thoughts 03:20 Track 03 Le Ruban De Möbius 03:56 Track 04 Johnny…Crevé 05:16 Track 05 Yokin Club 03:53 Track 06 Intrication Quantique 04:08 Track 07 Le Colosse Aux Pieds D’argile 03:29 Track 08 Anomie 05:22
Urgence Disk (CH), Wrong Hole Records (FR), La Plaque Tournante (FR), Itawak (FR), I Dischi del Minollo (IT), Sleepy Dog Records (FR)
Artwork & Layout by : Emy Design
Recorded & Mastered by : Sebastien Hahn at Sapristi Studio (February 2019)
… “Always a matter of sexual thoughts”
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