release “Hikikomori”
out on October 31st 2023
A triumphant comeback for italian deathcore act BLEED SOMEONE DRY with “Hikikomori”, new single available now in all digital platforms in partnership with Superbia Music Group. The track attempts to analyse and draw attention to this rapidly increasing phenomenon. Wondering about the sensations, emotions and feelings experienced. How anger mixed with melancholy and resignation towards social models that are increasingly based on individualism to the detriment of compassion and empathy, leads to withdrawal from all social activities as a form of rebellion. A self-exclusion, in cells that have no bars, but walls decorated with posters of our childhood, are no longer places of expiation but of shelter, from what is outside and makes us feel inadequate, where a screen becomes a portal able to get away from and stay in touch with the outside world at the same time. That world that every day pushes us to give more, to have to be more, to achieve more, giving up what perhaps most of all makes us special, our humanity..
“I sink into my black hole, in the peace of darkness, I found my rest from pain”
“These three sentences encapsulate the essence of what we want to convey with ‘Hikikomori’” explain the band “The past few years have, on a deeply personal level, represented a profound sense of apathy towards everything that surrounds us… a need to estrange ourselves from a context that has led us to “curl up” within ourselves, searching for a solution, something conclusive… We have most likely been overwhelmed by recent events that have affected global society as a whole (pandemics, wars, crisis), and we have internalised them in the small realm of our private lives, feeling the need, even on a musical level, to pause, isolate ourselves, and reflect inwardly in the quest for something stimulating and new… And so we imagined ourselves as recluses, in cells without bars, sheltered from what is outside and makes us feel inadequate, where a screen becomes a portal capable of distancing us and staying in contact with the outside world at the same time. That world that pushes us every day to give more, to be more, to obtain more, relinquishing what perhaps, above all, makes us special: our humanity. The perfect portrait of Hikikomori, a concept that we have studied, developed, and realised in this single, which has given us the opportunity to reintroduce ourselves after 4 years since our last release”.

[October 31st 2023]
djent, mathcore, metal-core, progressive metal
Base: Firenze, Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Superbia Music Group
“Hikikomori” was recorded and mixed at The Grid Europe by Jonathan Mazzeo, master by Andrea Bernardi (Eleven Mastering) and video directed by Ruben Spizzichino.
Music & lyrics by: Bleed Someone Dry
Produced by: Jonathan Mazzeo at The Grid Europe
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