Subliminal Excess
out on January 3rd 2020
One year after the time period in which blade runner is supposed to take place, SUB-X writes the aforementioned dystopian follow-up, 2020. With a bite as gnarly as its bark, SUB-X leads the pack out of CHICAGO USA into the next decade with members of 86 Gemini, Affront and Duress making up the project. Snarling vocals with breakdowns as punk as they are hardcore straight into breakneck beats that are as hardcore as they are punk. The ven diagram tightens closer as the two worlds become one, and then eventually none. 11PM is proud to debut its first ever demo release with SUBLIMINAL EXCESS 2020.
Released limited to 100 street blue cassettes on 11 PM Records.

Subliminal Excess
[ January 03, 2020]
punk, hardcore
Base: USA
Label / Booking / Press:
11 PM Records
Subliminal Excess on this recording is Alex, Jimmy, Macklin, Mike.
Self-recorded December 2019. Chicago.
Mastered by Will Killingsworth. Art by Augie B.
layout by @couple2tree
… “Wild Spiral”
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